China Team Journal

Monday, April 9, 2012

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."

We’re off. Since Monday is normally part of the weekend for XBTC students, we eased into teaching by meeting with volunteers from the English Club.  Each of us soloed with 4-7 students and we were aided by Julia, Della and Baoli. The students were delightful, and the experience helped us better calibrate the complexities of our lesson plans. As we discussed over lunch and group meeting back at the hotel, we will be speaking more slowly and simplifying the material somewhat. We have both morning and afternoon sessions tomorrow, so Tuesday will be the real test.

Mary and Wendy spent the free afternoon wandering around the fascinating West Tang Market, Judy and Janice stayed in. Then we all met Baoli in the lobby and walked to West Tang Market for a dinner of steaming broth with noodles and the fixin ‘s.