China Team Journal

Sunday, April 8, 2012

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito

What a full day! Baoli started our morning at the Xi’an Biomedical Technical College by leading an orientation session that included review of GV’s philosophy, setting goals for our stay, delineating the characteristics of a good team, and going over health and safety guidelines. We also signed up for adjunct duties before walking to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

In the afternoon we were treated to several labors of love. Under the guidance of Julia, head of the college training program, and Della, head of the foreign affairs office, several students welcomed us with greetings they had created in English. Though it was Sunday, they had made a special trip to school to do this. Then we were presented with artistic hand painted Easter eggs and serenaded with both English and Chinese songs. We were also able to peek into the classrooms where we would be working, classrooms personally cleaned and prepared for our use by Della. We received our class schedules before returning to the hotel where we had a chance to catch our breath for a couple of hours before dinner. After dinner, Baoli went over additional health and safety issues, as well as the schedule for the beginning of the week. We left the dining room eager to begin our teaching adventure the next day.