China Team Journal

Monday, July 14, 2008

Team 161, Kunming, July 3

By Rachel

Thought for the day: Teamwork means never having to take all the blame yourself.


Photo for the day: Rachel in her classroom.

Today began with our regular breakfast with Yoyo translating our egg orders to the egg chef, and Hu Di giving us our bit of Chinese culture. Today we heard about two more festivals, the Double 9 (9/9) festival, and the Moon Festival. Hu Di gave the routine announcements where we found out that as the day progressed we would be joined by Tim’s wife, and Hu Di’s cousin. We then headed off for our usual teaching morning. As everyday, after we taught four classes, we returned to the hotel for lunch where we met Hu Di’s cousin, Brent.

In the afternoon, ll of us, Brent included, went back to the school where we were to hear speeches from 21 of the selected students, three from each class. The speeches were all very well done. All had a wide variety of topics ranging from dolphins to colors. After hearing all 21 of the speeches, we walked to a restaurant called the Golden Flower Hot Pot, where each of us enjoyed a steaming pot of spicy, non-spicy, sour, or coconut broth to which we added various meats and veggies.  
Towards the end of the meal, we were joined by Tim’s wife, Ren Ning, and then walked back to the school where we met up with our driver who took us back to the hotel for the night.